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Dec 8, 2010

Chikmangalur Trip - 4th & 5th Dec 2010

Chikmangalur has always been in our minds, which was supposed to be explored a long time ago. Because of our own work schedules we could not make it earlier, But the 1st week of Dec really made a difference, when me and Dav decided to go out somewhere and the place happened to be Chimangalur one of our Hot spots in our trip schedule.

We decided on the headcount and finalized as 4 people which includes (Me, Dav, Srini(my collegue) and offcourse Krishna).

So all set for the much awaited Trip kick starts at 11:00pm on 3rd Dec 10.

Our Ride : Esteem

Distance to be covered : 236kms

Route : Bangalore -> Tumkur -> Solur -> Anchepalya -> Kunigal -> Yadiyur -> Belur Cross -> Hirisave -> Channrayanapatna -> Hassan -> Final Destination : Chikmangalur

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